Saturday, November 29, 2008


Today is my 26th Birthday. Yay me! I decided to start this blog today to commemorate the event. Most people look at 25 or 30 as a big milestone birthday, but for me it is number 26 and luckily enough for me next year, 27 is another one (in my mind, anyway). This blog is just a way for me to share things I enjoy doing, watching, eating, and all of those other verbs. It's also a way for me look back on the upcoming year to see how my life has changed (if it has changed at all). I find that sometimes I really enjoy something and always end up telling the same person - specifically my sister, and this is a way for me to share that enjoyment with more than one person. I am a horrible journal writer. I go for sometimes years at a time without a new entry in my journal, but hopefully I will be more on the ball with this blog. I will try to update everyday but who knows how that will go.


  1. wow!!! I cannot believe you started your own blog!!! Cool....(I just hope I am talking to the right

  2. Happy birthday to you!

    I found your blog on the blogroll at Colette2008. She says you're posting every day, so it must be true :-)
