Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More TV

I don't watch a lot of TV on Tuesdays because, well, nothing really interests me. The one show I do watch is the Mercer Report. It is similar to the Daily Show and the Colbert Report but it deals with Canadian issues. That show is probably why I know anything at all about Canadian politics. Each show follows pretty much the same format. Introduction, Him doing something with a Canadian politian or celebrity, a commercial parody, The Front Page (where he shows pictures from the newspaper and makes fake captions for them), another segment of him off doing something somewhere in Canada, another commercial parody, the infamous RANT, and finally, the closing where he plugs his website, photo caption contest and Spread the Net campaign. I may have a few of those things out of order, but that's the basic gist of the show. That show is definitely the highlight of Tuesday TV for me.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I have a book of his rants. And a book about the show. You could probably read one or both of them if you want. :)
