Saturday, February 14, 2009

"I need to buy this book and I'm not even through the preface yet"

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. I hope everyone had as good a day as I did today! It totally had nothing to do with Valentine's Day but I had a really good day. Today, I (drumroll, please) read a hilarious book about punctuation and grammar. Seriously. I can honestly say that it is the funniest book about grammar that I have ever read (Not a difficult feat, mind you). I may have mentioned previously that I love language and language related humour so this was pretty much the perfect book for me. I was at the library today, finished checking out all 10 books when I saw "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" by Lynne Truss on the shelf. I started flipping through it while I waited for my sister and pretty much decided on the spot that I absolutely had to get it out. It is darn funny. I was driving my sister crazy as I giggled my way through, reading the funny parts aloud for her enjoyment. I took a break at one point, and my sister stole the book and started reading it and started giggling hysterically as well. She decided that, even though she hadn't even finished the preface yet, she is going to have to buy the book. I have already finished the book and already want - no, need - to read the book again, if only to engrain the punctuation rules in my head. As I am writing this, I am thinking about all of the grammatical mistakes that I am most likely making and am really self conscious. It's definitely worth a read if you enjoy language, humour, or a combination of the two.

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