Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Do you want fries with that?

As I briefly mentioned in a post a while ago, I got a McJob. So yay! Money! I haven't actually started yet but my orientation was today so I can pretty much start right away. While working at a fast food place was never my intention, at this point I will pretty much take whatever I can get, and whatever I can get is fast food at this moment in time. I plan to continue to look for work in different areas but this job means that I am not quite as terribly broke as I was getting to be. I am hoping that works out well for me. I have never worked in a fast food place before so this will be something new for me. I also enjoy that I will be paid for the three hour orientation I was at tonight so I having money coming in soon even if that is the only thing I am paid for on that pay cheque. So today's favourite thing is actually having money coming in.


  1. Don't worry, McDonald's jobs are not that bad as jobs as people say. You can learn a lot there and make a lot of friends too. There are also flexible hours that you won't get in a lot of places. I heard employees even get free food while working there. They did make some improvements in what they offer as food with salads and desserts. Of course, it's a customer service job and you'll have to deal with all kinds of people which is where the negative side is.
