Monday, July 6, 2009

"Come to the dark side. We have cookies!!"

I did something not at all smart before leaving for work today. I started listening to the musical commentary on the Dr. Horrible DVD and ended up with two songs from it in my head. They lasted the entire night at work. When I got to work, one of my coworkers talked to my about the Sookie Stackhouse books I told her about and how her sister is getting them. Later on, I mentioned to different coworker that I had a song from a commentary in my head (which is admittedly rather odd) and I ended up explaining the entire Dr. Horrible phenomenon. He seemed rather interested in it once I mentioned Joss Whedon. So over the course of one shift, I may have gotten two different people into stuff that I like. Not bad for a night's work. So today's favourite thing is getting people (other than my sister- she's too easy!) interested in stuff I like.

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