Sunday, February 13, 2011


This has been a productive week for me on a couple of different counts. There is still stuff I have to work on but That will come with time. Anyway, here we go.....
  1. Update once a week. Well, here I am.... 7 for 7.
  2. Get a new job. Earlier this week, I got a call from a recruiter for a company that found my resume on She asked me a bunch of questions that I realize now I should have prepared for (in general), I found it hard to answer those questions off the cuff, especially when she wanted me to expand on my answers. Anyway, it has given me questions to think about. Ultimately, after that phone call, I phoned someone else to set up a store visit to see if I wanted to go ahead with an interview. I went on the store visit yesterday, and it seemed like a good place to work. I will phone tomorrow to set up an interview. Also, yesterday I got an email letting me know that I am scheduled for French Language testing for a government job I applied for. I am not bilingual but I applied for the job because it said they were looking for people with varying language abilities. Also, yesterday, I bought software to help improve my typing abilities. My sister mocked me because I was disappointment that I haven't improved in the last 24 hours.
  3. Room cleaning. Okay, looking at my floor my room ain't so clean. Neither is the floor in the bathroom.  I did put the dance stuff I'm not using in the container I bought last week. I also got most of the stuff I need for the upcoming show together. I just need to wash the pants and I'm good. I bought a file organizer for my papers, I don't know exactly where is a good place for it right now, I'll have to think about it. I also need to actually put my papers in it. I keep buying stuff and then thinking of something else that would be good to have. Now that I bought a file organizer, it occurs to me that an entertainment stand for my DVDs would be good. Right now they are just stacked up by my TV, Or on my computer desk. Or upstairs in Colette's entertainment stand (which is getting quite full). I think a trip to IKEA is in my future. My last couch is getting cleaner, more work needs to be done with it. I also need to redo the chair. 
  4. Lose weight. It appears that I gained weight this week, sadly. It's not entirely surprising since I made cookies today. I'll have to pay attention to how many cookies I eat this week, instead of gorging on them like I normally do. 
  5. Go to the gym twice a week. Once again, I managed to go to the gym three times this week. I am going to see if I can up it to four this week. 
  6. Go through old books and clothes. Not much happened on this front. I did stop myself from buying two books when I was at the book store this week. I realized I should check for the eBook before I buy a hard copy. I did manage to find it online so that's two less books I have floating around the house. 
  7. Swear less. Yeah, um, not so much this week. 
  8. Dance practice. I don't think I practised every day but I did practice a couple of days this week. I also bought myself a new MP3 player which should help. I had an hour and a half rehearsal on Friday night as well.
Anyway, not much else happened this week. Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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