Sunday, April 10, 2011

Massive fail...

Nothing much happened this week with any of my goals. There were a bunch of false starts and almost progress. But actual progress....not so much.

So, how did I do?

  1. Updating the blog. Here we are - 15 for 15.
  2. New job. I haven't heard anything about the job I was hoping for yet. So that's disappointing. I did apply for a job this week. 
  3. Room cleaning. Not so much.
  4. Losing weight. Holding steady.
  5. Going to the gym. Massive fail this week. I went TO the gym three times this week but only worked out once. On Tuesday, I got to the gym and realized that I forgot my shoes at home. I didn't go Wednesday morning because I was planning on Zumba Wednesday night. I went to go to Zumba Wednesday night but the line for it was so long I had no hope of getting in to the class and the thought of being so squished into the room I could hardly move wasn't appealing. I did work out Thursday morning, I was going to go Friday as well but I fell down the stair Thursday night and was so sore that going to the gym just didn't appeal. This week, I plan to do better (I can't do much worse).
  6. Old books and clothes. Not so much.
  7. Swear less. I don't think I swore excessively much this week.
  8. Dance practice. No official dance practice this week. 
So not as productive as one would hope. Next week, should be better.


  1. Do you fall down the stairs on a regular basis?

  2. It would seem that way. To be clear, the most recent incident involved a single stair - which somehow turned out to be more painful....
