Sunday, May 29, 2011

Home again...

I am back in Ottawa again. I got home on Tuesday afternoon. It was an interesting flight. I finally figured out that the flights from Ottawa to Toronto and back offer free beer and wine all the time (probably to compete with Porter). When we landed in Ottawa everyone got up and started gathering their items to get off when there was an announcement from the pilot saying that there was no power at the airport so they can't get the bridge to us so we can deplane. A few minutes later there was another announcement saying that the outtage was indefinite so they were going to see about getting stairs brought over to the plane. I don't know when the outtage started but the entire airport was shutdown. Luckily the power came back on a few minutes later and we were able to get off the plane (and get our luggage).

On Wednesday, I woke up to find that the processor in the computer had died. I was not a happy camper. I tried turning it on a few times and nothing happened. I ended up buying a new one yesterday. Luckily Staples has a deal where they do a data transfer for free, so that's good. I am pretty sure it was just the processor that went because we just got a new hard drive for it last year. So, now I am using my really slow laptop.

Other than that, it's been a pretty uneventful week.

How did I do with my resolutions this week? Let's see:
  1. Updating my blog. Here I am. 22 for 22.
  2. Get a new job. Training starts tomorrow which means I actually have to wake up at a decent time (not the 2pm that I slept into today.
  3. Room cleaning. Yeah, the room is a mess. My goal for the week is to clean the computer desk and finish unpacking. I did my laundry yesterday, so all that's really left in the suitcase is the clean stuff and some DVDs.
  4. Lose weight. The scale says I am lighter but I am not so sure I believe it.
  5. Going to the gym. I went to the gym after work on Wednesday and Thursday. I had planned to go to Zumba yesterday but I really didn't feel good most of the day.
  6. Old clothes and books. Well, the books at Mom's house are separated into books I want, and books I don't want. The same cannot be said for the books here.
  7. Swear less. Apart from when I die for the 7 millionth time on the Mario brothers game, I don't think I have been swearing a whole lot.
  8. Dance practice. I went to dance practice on Tuesday, but I haven't really been too good about practicing. I think part of it has to do with my computer being gone. I blasted the song through my computer before. I am upstairs a lot more now.
Not much else is new for me. I am hoping the next two days of training go well. Have a good week!!!

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