Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This week has been a bit of a change. I have been working day shifts all week, which I haven't actually done in a few years. In fact, Tuesday was the first day in two years that I started work before noon. It was pretty busy all week too. Next week, it's back to overnights again. Yippee!!

Let's see how I did this week with the whole resolution thing.

  1. Updating this blog. Late again, but here I am. 37 down, 15 to go.
  2. New job. So as I mentioned before, I am working during the day right now because I am training to be a manager. So that's happening. I also had a phone interview on Friday with an airline company for a Customer Service type position. I should know more in a week or two.
  3. Room cleaning. Not so much.
  4. Lose weight. About the same as last time.
  5. Going to the gym. With the mixed up schedule, I actually didn't make it last week. I will try to do better about it this week.
  6. Old books and clothes. Yeah, that didn't happen either.
  7. Swear less. I don't think I've been swearing as much. I know that I am more careful of what I say at work when I am working during the day.
  8. Dance practice. I had dance practice last week. It went okay I think. Not a big turn out. 
So not a great week for resolutions, hopefully this week will be better.

In other news, I thought I would share one of the songs I have not been able to get out of my head for the last week. A version of it is in the Harry Potter musical I was going on about last week. Darren Criss also sings his own version of it (he wrote it). Anyway, I really like it. So here it is, it's called 'Not Alone'.

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