- He's rather cute.
- He's snarky and sarcastic.
- He gets oddly excited about things like insects and compost heaps
- Even when he hates everyone, he's funny about it.
- Even though he is extremely wealthy, he comes in everyday to work with insects, dirt, and unidentified particulates
- Finding weirder and weirder things about Angela made him love her more and more
- He is one of the more self-aware lab workers
- He's not above using his boss to make his problems (or Dr. Sweets) go away
- I mentioned that he is snarky right?
- He unconsciously uses words like 'baby' and 'dude' when he gets excited.
There a lot more reasons why he amuses me, but the main one is his snarkyness. If anyone has other reasons, feel free to share.
Hodgins is awesome - for all of the above reasons.