Sunday, December 7, 2008

Burn Baby Burn

Today I had a fire in my sister's fireplace. I love having fires. I love the smell, it just fills the room with it's wood burning goodness and gets on your clothes and pretty much everything else and lingers for a few days. I used to go camping quite a lot but I haven't gone camping for a few years. The fires at the end of the day when everyone gathered around and sang songs was one of my favourite things about the camping. Also, food cooked over fires. My sister and I cooked bannock over the fire a few weeks ago which was pretty cool. I believe it was the first time I had cooked food over an indoor fire (gas stoves don't count). The fire that one has in an indoor fire is a bit tamer than an outdoor fire just for practicalities sake but I like them both quite a bit. I love watching the different shapes the flames make as they burn the wood. I always end up sitting right next to the fireplace so that I can poke and prod at the wood to get stuff burning. We had a fireplace in the house I grew up in but my parents changed it to a gas fireplace about ten years ago so it became less interesting. The log never burns. You can't play with it and it gets really hot so that you have to stand quite far from it. Even with the gas fireplace we never really had fires that often, here with the wood fireplace I have had 4 fires in the last four weeks. It's a nice way to spend a winter night.


  1. I believe you cooked over an indoor fire during your Gold Camp. We cooked food over the old wood burning stove in the Old Lodge. Remember?

  2. No, I don't actually. It wouldn't surprise me if we had but I do not remember it.
