Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Somehow, I think they frown on this but....

Today, I went to a bookstore and ended up reading an entire book in one sitting. I hadn't intended to read the entire thing, especially since I wasn't planning to buy it, but I read one page and then another and then another and all of a sudden, it was three hours later and there were no more pages to turn. I want to actually buy the book at some point but it's only out in hardcover right now and I can't really justify the price of the book even to my own book-junky self. It also helped me assuage my curiousity of what happens next in the series since I was #187 on the holds list at the library and quite impatient. So now my curiousity is assuage but I feel quite guilty about not buying the book since I had read it anyway. Anyway, today's favourite thing is getting lost in a good book.

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