Monday, July 18, 2011

It's getting harder and harder to motivate myself to update this blog. I need to get back to a regular schedule for updating. At least I remembered though. Lets see how I did this week.
  1. Updating the blog. 29 out of 29. I am doing well despite the whole forgetting until it's a bit late thing.
  2. Get a new job. Well, I applied for a job but not much else happened on that front this week.
  3. Room cleaning, Well, I put away the suitcase from camping, as well as the therma rest. I also gathered much  of my belly dance stuff and it is in the vicinity of being away. I now need to get rid of the assorted papers that are on the floor.
  4. Lose weight. I am still around where I was last week.
  5. Going to the gym. I went twice last week again, but missed Zumba. Again...
  6. Old books and clothes. Nothing really to report here.
  7. Swear less. I don't think I did too badly this week, but it wasn't exactly good.
  8. Dance practice. I went to class on Tuesday and did some random practicing throughout the week.
In other news, I went to see the new Harry Potter movie on Friday. I really enjoyed it. I got to the theatre at 12:59pm, and decided to go to the 1pm show. I was able to go to the bathroom and get popcorn before the previews were even over.  I actually wouldn't mind seeing it again.

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