Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This is getting ridiculous

Ok, I know, I know. I am late again. Really late this time. But really, who's actually paying attention? I am just happy that I remembered to do it all. So how'd I do this week? Let's see:
  1. Updating the blog. 28 for 28. Better late than never I guess.
  2. Get a new job. Not much news on that front. I am thinking of calling different placement agencies to see what I need to do to get on their list. 
  3. Room cleaning. I am half unpacked from my camping trip. That's something I guess. Need to work on it more.
  4. Lose weight. I haven't really lost anything since last week, but I haven't gained anything, so yay!
  5. Going to the gym. I went to the gym twice this week again. I was out of town on Saturday, so I didn't go to Zumba yet again.
  6. Old books and clothes. Not so much.
  7.  Swear less. I was camping this weekend with my sister, her friends, and her friends' kids so I really had to watch my language. 
  8. Dance practice. I went to dance class on Tuesday but didn't really do much else in terms of dance practice this week.
So, as I mentioned before I went camping. I had a good time but I couldn't really sleep that well on Friday night. I ended up sleeping most of Saturday so I missed a lot of stuff. Other than that and the massive headache I had on Sunday, I had a good time. I was exhausted most of the time though.

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