Sunday, March 6, 2011

Not too bad this week.

Have to say, after last weekend, this weekend was rather anticlimactic. No show, no workshop. It is, however, possible that Colette mentioned playing a certain Wii game and liking it. It is also possible that I went and bought it. And we may have ended up playing it for three hours this afternoon. Not saying it happened, but it is entirely possible. (I actually don't know that it was three hours, it could have been 2 and a half. Just saying...)

So, how did I do this week?
  1. Updating this here web log. Here I am, again. 10 for 10. I am actually quite happy considering before this had not done it for over a year.
  2. Getting a new job. I don't have my French test results yet, but I do have an interview for that job on Wednesday, so my finger's are crossed. I hope it goes well. It is only a temporary position but it will get me some much desired experience with the government, so I am quite hopeful.
  3. Room cleaning. I did get the whole pile of books off my floor, so yay. The shelf I keep my books on is getting rather full now though. It's a good thing I have my Kobo, because otherwise I would have some real space issues. I also put most of my DVDs that were in my room in my shelf. As you can see, I have a few DVDs, so getting them off the floor went along way to help get my room a bit more cleaned up.
  4. Lose weight. Nothing has changed. At this point, I am happy that I am not gaining anything.
  5. Gym twice per week. I made it to the gym three times this week. I was going to try going four times next week, but with the interview, I don't know if that's going to happen. I even went for a walk yesterday.
  6. Old books and clothes. As I mentioned before, my book shelf is getting full. I am going to have to go through my books again and be even more ruthless. There are a few I know I want to keep, but I am pretty sure I don't need all of them.
  7. Swear less. I really think I have been swearing less this week. I have been saying "Holy crap on a cracker" a lot though, so I don't know if that is much better.
  8. Dance practice. I have been dancing almost everyday. I think last weekend's workshop inspired me. I also bought a belt last weekend, which I love and I like dancing with it on. 
So anyway, not a bad week.

Here's hoping my interview goes alright on Wednesday. I'll let you know how it goes next week.

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