Monday, July 4, 2011

Ok, now it's really late...

I don't really have a lot to say today so I am just going to go right to it.
  1. Updating the blog. 27 for 27.
  2. Get a new job. I applied for a job this week. Nothing much. I didn't work as much as I should have, I guess.
  3. Room cleaning. Yeah, not much progress there.
  4. Lose weight. I am still about 5 pounds down from where I was at the beginning of the year.
  5. Going to the gym. I went to the gym twice last week. No Zumba though, yet again.
  6. Old books and clothes. Not much new on that front this week.
  7. Swear less. I haven't been swearing that much this week, that I can think of anyway.
  8. Dance practice. I skipped dance class this week because Colette had the car and there was a big storm right when I was about to go to catch the bus. I ended up wishing I had gone because the power went out and I was super bored.
When the power went out last Tuesday, I decided to read one of the books that was on my Kobo and had been sitting there for a while. I ended up being so caught up in in that I was very hopeful that my Kobo wasn't about to die since I had no way of charging it with the power being out and all. The book I read was the 'The Hunger Games' which I highly recommend. I ended up finishing the trilogy by Saturday. 
I also went downtown on Friday to see some Canada Day festivities. I didn't ending up seeing Will and Kate, just part of their motorcade. It was a madhouse downtown. I ended up only being downtown for about an hour.
Anyway, I hope you all had a good week.

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