Monday, May 23, 2011

Greetings from Saskatchewan

So I've been in Regina since Wednesday. I had a good flight. On the leg from Ottawa to Toronto, the crew was giving out free beer and wine for some reason, so I had a beer (because really, when does that ever happen?). My mom and niece were waiting for me at the airport. Thursday night we had a barbecue with my uncle's family. It was nice seeing everyone. Friday, I went to the candy store to get lemon drops. We went swimming Friday night. Saturday, we went out to my cousin's farm so I saw even more family. Today, I went for coffee with an old friend from dance. Then, I went to the 4th anniversary party for the RCMP Heritage Museum. Here is Miss B. by one of the old RCMP cruisers:
Anyway, here's how I did on this rather unusual week:

  1. Updating this blog. Yay, I actually remembered. 21 for 21.
  2. Get a new job. Not much to report other than that I now know where to go for my training and when it actually is. I am going to keep looking at other jobs for when it's done.
  3. Room cleaning. I really don't have much to say about this considering I am not currently there. 
  4. Lose weight. I think I gained a couple of pounds back, actually.
  5. Going to the gym. I did end up going to the gym on Tuesday morning. I also went swimming Friday night and took my niece's dog for a couple of walks. 
  6. Old clothes and books.  I am actually going through my old college books that I left at my mom's house. Other than that, not much to report.
  7. Swear less. I definitely notice what I am saying more now that I have people here correcting me when I use more off-colour language. 
  8. Dance practice. We had an official dance practice on Monday night that I found really helpful. We also had class Tuesday night. Other than one arm movement, I haven't really been practicing much on my own though.
So, I am having a good time on this trip. One more day, then I am heading back early Tuesday morning. Hope you're all having a good long weekend!!

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