Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wow, the last few months have just flown by. It's already October...crazy!! Anyway, let's see what happened this week, shall we?
  1. Update the blog. Here I am again. 40 posts. Wow...
  2. New job. So last week was my first week as the only manager on the overnight. It went okay. There was one not so good day, but over all it was good. No news about the job I had the the telephone interview for, so that's slightly disappointing.
  3. Room cleaning. Didn't happen. Will really try to get the walls put up this week. Fingers crossed.
  4. Lose weight. I am the around same as I was last week so that's good.
  5. Going to the gym. I only made it there once this week. I will try to do better next week.
  6. Old books and clothes. Not so much.
  7. Swear less. Probably a bit more than the week before. I definitely started swearing more again once I started back on overnights. 
  8. Dance practice. I stopped holding the dance practices. It was not really well attended and people would commit and then wouldn't show. It ended up being more of a hassle than I really wanted it to be. My teacher will be back soon so that will help with the practice situation. Though I probably should practice on my own.
Not much else has happened this week. I went to see the movie "50/50" which I enjoyed. It's about a guy who finds out he has cancer and his journey. 

Anyway, have a good week!!

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