Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Wow, it's been quite awhile since I've even attempted to write anything in this blog. Let's see if this time around goes any better.

Being that it's January 1st, New Year's Resolutions are going to be my focus. In this post, I will discuss what resolutions I've made. In subsequent posts, I hope to discuss any progress I've made with them. I won't have the resolution updates more than once a week, but I may post about other things in between.

Now for the resolutions.....

  1. My first resolution is to update this blog at least once a week. I figure I should put that in writing. It's an easy resolution to keep track of and potentially easier to do than updating everyday.
  2. Getting a new job. This has actually been my goal for awhile but hopefully by Dec. 31, 2011, I will in fact have a new job. I don't just want another fast food or retail job though. Every week, I will try to post about the job hunting progress I have made so far.
  3. Cleaning my room and keeping it clean. Bwahahahahaha. This should be interesting. I hope to at least be able to see 85% of my floor at all times. Hopefully with this in writing, I will have the motivation to keep cleaning and maintaining the cleanliness. First step, unpacking from Christmas.
  4. Lose some weight. I am putting this here without an actual number because I know how hard it is. I mostly want to lose some weight and keep it off. I am not going to post how much I weigh here but I am keeping track of it.
  5. Related to the previous resolution, I want to go to the gym at least twice a week. Especially in the last two months, I have been really bad about going to the gym. Ideally I want to go to the gym up to three times a week but some weeks that doesn't work out.
  6. Go through my clothes and books, and donate the ones I no longer need. I started going through my clothes in July and, not only did I not finish that part of it, they are still sitting where I left them. I just started going through my books before Christmas. I just have to donate those now.
  7. Swear less. Even two years ago, this would not have been an issue. I just need to be aware of the language and words that I use.
  8. Practice dance everyday. Oy. Considering I only tend to practice when I have a show to prepare for, this should be interesting. But I think get back to the basics should really help me improve.
I think that's a good start. Some of them may take more work than other but I think I can do it. I probably should have one there about watching less TV or being on the internet less but that might be a result of some of the other resolutions. Hopefully.

Fingers crossed. Here's to a great 2011!!!

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