Saturday, January 15, 2011

Some successes, some failures.

So, I was actually back at work this week, all five days in fact. My pay cheque wasn't as bad as I thought it would be based on the fact that I only worked one day in that pay period. Luckily, there was a statutory holiday in there. Not a whole lot else happened; as usual, the week pretty much consisted of working and sleeping. But here's how my resolutions went this week:

  1. Update blog every week. So far so good. 3 down, 49 left to go.
  2. Get a new job. This week, as far as job hunting goes, I applied for a few jobs. I also put my name in at some staffing agencies, such as Kelly Services, Adecco, and Randstad. Hopefully that will assist with the job finding process. 
  3. Cleaning my room and keeping it clean. The floor is still visible, so yay. One of my chairs is mostly cleaned off. It has a couple of papers on it as well as the socks whose mates I can't find but other than that, it's good to go. I really have to reorganize my shelving unit. I have no room for anything more it in. So I guess that would also qualify as resolution #6. So that's my goal for next week, as well as tackling the other two chairs.
  4. Lose some weight. Weighing my self this week, it looks like I lost some weight but I am pretty sure that I am holding steady at the same weight as before. I should really weigh myself when I wake up one day, before I eat anything, and use that as the base number.
  5. Go to the gym twice per week. I actually made it to the gym twice this week. I was quite happy with myself. In addition, I went on a long walk Friday morning. I had to go to the bank by bus to fix some money issues. Unfortunately, a water main broke which created a sinkhole, so the main road was closed, which rerouted the buses. According to the website, the bus stop I would normally use was still in use (the detour was farther along), so I waited...and waited...and waited. I finally decided to walk down the street in the direction the bus would be coming from so I could get to the other main road and not miss the bus I wanted to take. I made it to the other main road and caught a different bus, but the walk was longer than I had expected. 
  6. Go through old clothes and books. Not yet.
  7. Swear less. I think I am swearing less but occasionally, one slips out. I am trying to pay more attention to the language I am using.
  8. Practice dance everyday. Sadly, this did not happen this week, officially. I occasionally practice one of the exercises we use but it's usually while I am doing something else. I do think that move is getting better though.
So that's how I did this week. Hopefully, the giant sinkhole will be fixed soon, because I have to the bus to the bank again next week as my money saga continues to unfold.

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