Saturday, January 8, 2011

One week in and I am already out of title ideas.

This week was rather odd. I went to work on Sunday for the first time in a week and a half (because of Christmas) and haven't been back. I've been fighting a chest cold and felt it best to not infect my coworkers more that I had to. In all honesty, I was feeling better by Wednesday but the store was overstaffed so they asked if I minded not coming in. Extra vacation? Sounds good to me. I am, in fact, going to work tomorrow because there is no longer a reason for me not too, and oddly enough, when you don't work, you don't get paid.

Anyway, on to how my resolutions went this week.

  1. Updating this blog every week. Well, here I am so, resolution number one is happening!! Now it's just the rest of the year that I have to worry about.
  2. Getting a new job. Well, I wasn't expecting anything to happen this soon. I did apply for one job and took an online test for another job, which is progress. A friend also told be where to look for temp work, so I'll have to check that out next week.
  3. Cleaning my room and keeping it clean. Well, the floor is visible and I have unpacked my suitcase (like a half hour ago, but still...). Next week I am going to try to clean off my couches and chairs. Right now they are quite full of clothes, papers, and various other things. 
  4. Lose some weight. I think I started this goal off wrong. I did my initial weigh in after eating all day and while wearing my jeans and T-shirt. A few days later, I weighed myself again after not eating and while wearing my nightgown, and it made it seem like I had lost ten pounds. After my weigh in today (under basically the same conditions as last week), I am pretty much the same weight,
  5. Go to the gym at least twice a week. This didn't happen at all because as mentioned early I wasn't feeling great much of the week. Next week should be better since I am planning on going to work (and I usually go to the gym right after).
  6. Go through old clothes and books, and donate the ones I no longer need. Hasn't happened yet.
  7. Swear less. I think I've been swearing less, but that may also be because I haven't been around the people I tend to swear around. The real test will be when I return to work next week (yes, I swear at work, but that is actually where I picked it up).
  8. Practice dance everyday. I practiced at least five minutes everyday but Thurday (I forgot). It's not much but any little bit helps. I have some videos that I can use to help, but I probably won't do them everyday.
So that's how I did this week. Not perfect but not bad, if I do say so myself.

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