Friday, March 13, 2009

A Friday tradition

Ever since I was little, Fridays have been a meat free day, especially during lent. Being that we were a pretty big meat-eating family, we didn't actually have a lot of ideas for meal ideas that didn't involve meat, so we tended to have Grandma's Big Pancakes for supper. They are quite similar to crepes in that they are thin and take up the entire area of a regular frying pan but they are cooked on both sides. They are typically served (in my family, at least) with butter and some sort of jam (rhubarb mostly, but occasionally other varieties). If for some reason, you don't eat them all the first night, they taste quite good if you cut them up into smaller pieces, and refry them the next morning so that the pieces are nice and crispy.
To make them you need:
  • 3 cups flour (I usually put in 2 cups white and 1 cup whole wheat)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup powdered milk
  • a handful of rolled oats (we just recently started putting rolled oats in them, so I just improvise on the amount of them)
  • 3 eggs
  • water (My recipe says three cups but I have no idea how much I actually use)

Basically, you put all the dry ingredients and the eggs into a bowl. Then you put some water in the bowl and stir it in. You keep adding water until you get a nice thin pourable batter.

You melt some butter on the pan and take a ladle and scoop some of the batter onto the pan. Then you wiggle the pan around until the batter covers the entire bottom of the pan. Once it looks like the pancake is pretty much all a darker colour, you flip the pancake and cook it for a couple more minutes. Then you take it out and repeat as needed. The first pancake needs to be cooked for quite awhile because the pan is not quite hot enough yet. I also tend to flip the first pancake more than the others.

They may not be the healthiest meal, but are certainly quite good.

PS. Colette, this isn't the recipe you told me but it is the recipe that was in Mom's recipe book.

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