Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Apparently, I am quite susceptible to suggestion....

Yesterday, one of the websites I go to all the time had a post about the webseries, "The Guild". I had heard about the series about a year ago but I hadn't checked it out until last night. I ran through both series between last night and today. That sounds bad but the episodes are less than 10 minutes each. The series itself is about a group of online gamers that meet in real life. It's quite amusing especially if you are a gamer yourself (which I am not) or spend a lot of time online (which I do). It stars Felicia Day who was also in the awesome "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog" as well as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". It had me giggling quite a bit. If you are interested in the series, you can watch it at their website. It is definitely something worth checking out. Some of the terms they use, I do have to look up because I am not an online gamer but it's pretty accessible.

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