Monday, July 13, 2009

I totally need to pay more attention...

As I mentioned in Saturday's post, I went to the library for the first time in a couple months that day. Part of the reason was that I couldn't find one of my books and partly because I new I had a big overdue fine ($12) that I wasn't quite ready to pay. I paid it while I was there with my credit and signed the receipt without really looking at it. Whoops. Today I got a phone call from the library (it was odd getting a call from the library from an actual person) and apparently rather than charging me $12 for the fees, they had charged $412 to my credit card. Yikes! He wanted to be sure that it was in fact an error so that they can refund me the money. They tried doing it today but they couldn't without my card so I have to go to the library tomorrow. At least I am getting the money back. So today's favourite thing is vigilant accounting people. I feel like an idiot for not checking more thoroughly myself though.

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