Saturday, July 11, 2009

Why didn't I look there two months ago?

A couple months ago, I went to the library and got a bunch of books out. I started reading one but when I finished I didn't put it back with the others. I returned the others and didn't remember where I put that one book. I got more out and read those but didn't end up getting back to the library, partly because I didn't have a big need to go and partly because of that one book that I thought I had lost. Finally, I had to back to the library because I had some books on hold and I couldn't keep renewing the books repeatedly. So finally, I looked for the book. I had remembered reading it in one of the chairs in the living room so I looked there first. I had glanced under it behind it before so this time I moved the cushions. It was actually there. It was so simple and yet I was too lazy to actually do a proper search for it 2 months ago. But anyway, today's favourite thing is finding what you're looking for without too much trouble.

1 comment:

  1. So THAT's why you didn't want to go to the library and instead started lending me books!
