Sunday, April 26, 2009

I thought I lost it

Last Saturday, I bought the "Corner Gas" DVDs for seasons 3 and 4. I watched them all by yesterday morning. Unfortunately, the second disc of Season 4 had a scratch on it so I couldn't actually watch parts of at least two of the episodes, so I exchanged them yesterday. My sister dropped me off at work afterward so I just left them in the car. Last night, my sister (who is pretty darn awesome) picked me up at work at midnight. I mentioned something about the DVDs and she said she didn't remember seeing them. This made me start to think that I had left them in the shopping cart at the grocery store rather than puttin them in the car. I was kind of worried about them but not enough to actually check the car. Eventually, I did check the car but only because to not would have been the heights of laziness seeing as I was two feet away from it. They were sitting right in plain sight for which I was greatly relieved. So I was very glad that the things I thought were lost were not lost at all.

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