Thursday, April 2, 2009

What does that mean

Today, I should have gone to the gym, but I didn't. That seems like a bit of a theme around my life lately but so be it. My sister was gone grocery shopping (to the very grocery store that houses the gym I go to, even) and I ended up quite bored because it was 7 o'clock and primetime doesn't start at 7 like it does back in Sask. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I got a craving for puffed wheat cake (and Rice Krispie cake, for that matter) a few weeks ago. My sister made the Rice Krispie cake not long after but we still hadn't had any puffed wheat cake, so that is what I made today. It turned out okay though I did have to phone my mom to ask her what one of the directions meant. I still don't know if I cooked it long enough (because I got impatient and said to heck with it) but it still tasted okay.

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