Thursday, April 23, 2009


I usually have about 10 minute walk from work to the bus station (if I only take one bus, which I tend to do because I get impatient). Depending on what bus I take the majority of the way home, I have a walk that varies in length from 3-10 minutes. As I was walking home today, I realized how much I enjoyed going for walks, even if they are a purely point A to point B endeavor. I walked all the time when I lived in Boston, because I didn't really have many options. When I was in Saskatchewan, I had easy access to vehicles so I would drive two blocks. It was rather pathetic.
I actually prefer walking at night. It's less hectic and depending on where you are, it can be very peaceful. It is especially nice if you aren't in a hurry. I don't tend to go for many night walks if I am not going to or from the bus because I don't usually like to leave the house once I get home for the night.

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