Sunday, April 5, 2009

What time is it there?

My alarm clock was very confused this morning. It thought that this was the day that Daylight Savings time was supposed to have begun rather than one month ago as it actually did. This meant that my alarm clock went off an hour early. It took me awhile to realize that it was the wrong time and for awhile I wasn't sure if it was wrong or every other clock in the house (aside from the one in my sister's bedroom - she got confused too) was wrong. So I phoned my parents in Saskatchewan to see what time it was there. When it is Daylight Savings time, they are two hours behind us but when it isn't, they are only one hour behind us, so I was able to figure out what the right time was (if for some reason they were three hours behind the clocks in my house, not only would I be even more confused, they wouldn't have appreciated my phone call at that time). So when all was said and not much done, I figured out that I had an hour to kill before I had to be anywhere so it was like I gained a whole extra hour. It was awesome.

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