Monday, January 12, 2009

Cooking by not actually cooking

I like to bake. Cookies, cakes, bread, etc. It's all good. I am not however a huge fan of cooking. When I lived on my own last year, meals consisted of either pasta or something from Subway, Pita Pit, Panera or any number of different places. So yeah, not into cooking. Since I moved in with my sister, I have been doing more cooking than I have done in a long time. Usually about one big meal a week. Usually, it's something that I put in the slow cooker. I love using the slow cooker. You put the stuff in it. Turn it on. Go away. Come back 5-10 hours later et Voila!!!! Dinner is served. Or ready, because you actually have to physically put it on your plate on your own. Thing about slow cookers is that you have to leave the requisite amount of time because as the name implies, it cooks stuff slowly. I have a bad habit of not leaving quite enough time so the fast setting on it works awesomely. It basically cooks stuff twice as fast as it does on slow (which for a 10 hour stew, is still 5 hours. "Fast" is relative). So for today, my favourite thing is the slow cooker. Woohoo!

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