Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"There is no step two."

As I mentioned on Monday, I love pumpkin muffins. Something tragic happened though. We ran out. I guess that's what happens when you make numerous treks from the computer/sofa to the pumpkin storage recepticle in order to eat them. They disappear. And then your sister asks how many are left and you blush and stammer "One" because you thought this through and didn't want to eat alllllll of them. To make a long story....less long, today I made more pumpkin muffins. They were okay, they could have been better but I didn't follow the recipe exactly so they had a hint of dryness to them. And the awesome part was that I just put the dishes in the dishwasher and didn't actually have to actually do them by hand. Plus, my sister got some entertainment value from the process of loading the dishwasher by mocking me, so win-win (?). So my favourite thing of the day is having a dishwasher that does your dirty work for you.

1 comment:

  1. Except for the counter/stove/floor/other dishes ... which you are going to clean today, right? :)
