Friday, February 13, 2009

Catching up

Last year when I was living in Boston, I didn't have a TV so any of the shows I wanted to watch, I watched online. Preferably on Hulu because many of the video players specific to different networks pretty much sucked (I am going to go ahead and say that I liked the one on the least, it didn't even load). This caused me to be very choosy about which TV shows I watched and actually made me stop watching some shows if I couldn't watch them on Hulu. Since moving back to Canada, I actually have access to a TV so I don't have to watch the shows online that often; although, sometimes, if I hear something interesting about a show I don't watch and/ or record, I will in fact watch them online. So today, I watched the crossover episodes for Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice online. I stopped watching Grey's after the strike last year (not on Hulu, ABC show) and had only seen a few episodes of Private Practice. I enjoyed them but I don't think I will go back to watching the shows on a regular basis. But I will say that I like the network video players in Canada much more than I liked the one's in the states. So today's favourite thing is being able to catch up with TV shows online.


  1. is an American Website where you can watch various shows online. It has a pretty wide variety of shows but it's only available in America.
