Thursday, February 5, 2009

A show for the whole family, but really not....

"Bones" is definitely one of my favourite TV shows although I haven't always felt that way. I stopped watching after the episode "Aliens in a Spaceship" because it annoyed me that they didn't catch the guy. Oddly enough, that episode is the one that got one of my sisters watching the show. This week's episode brought closure to that episode and I really enjoyed it. As with many "Bones" episodes, it had moments that brought up more questions that they answered but it was enjoyable enough that I didn't mind. Apparently, my niece had to call my sister to tell her that she was scared in the middle. Yes, my four year old niece watches "Bones." It is totally an inappropriate show for her to be watching but she loves it. Especially the parts where they actually show the bones. At the end, my one sister called back to make sure my niece was okay. Her mom said she was but they were going to have to have a discussion about ghosts.

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