Thursday, February 12, 2009

Drip drip drip goes the water

Last night, I didn't get to bed early, as per usual. That wouldn't have been bad if when I did get to bed, I didn't have an unceasing drip going on around me. I got up to check on it once and I couldn't find anything. I thought it had stopped so I was almost asleep when I heard it again. I reached above my head and it was all damp. Not good. That's when I noticed the water leaking in through the window. Pretty much just gushing down the wall. I grabbed some towels but that really didn't do anything because the water continued to find ways to run down the wall. It seemed pretty determined that way.
I pushed my bed away from the wall and, low and behold, there was a huge pile of water on the floor. Like from one end of the room to the other. So I started piling all of my stuff that was on the floor onto the bed. Note to self: don't keep so much crap on the floor. Apart from some damp books, yarn, etc nothing was damaged too badly. It also helped answer the burning question of whether or not I need some of my stuff. I do not. After this, I threw some of the damp towels in the laundry room. That is when I noticed the puddle in the laundry room. "This is going to be a fun night," I think to myself. So I started rearranging crap in my room, I brought my broken closet pieces to the furnace room. I started to go up the stairs a few times to tell my sister that I am floating away but figured she wouldn't appreciate it. Apparently, I wasn't as quiet as I thought (which, to be honest, was an accomplishment because I didn't think I was being quiet at all.), because my sister had woken up anyway. I was correct in assuming she wouldn't be impressed at being woken up at 4am.
She helped me lay out some towels to soak up some of the water and even made up the futon for me so that I would actually get some sleep. So I changed out of my pj bottoms which were now soaked due to the whole dragging in the water issue and went up to the futon to sleep. Wishful thinking on my part. It took me two hours to get to sleep, by which point I had bored of changing movie titles to incorporate flooding basements, dripping, or sleep deprivation (The Loudness of the Drips; DRiPPER; When Drippy met Floody; Scream; Waterworld; Sleepless in Ottawa; Wet and Wetter; Dripping Water, Flooding Basement; etc). I eventually got to sleep and, today when I eventually woke up, I continued cleanup. Unfortunately, I didn't get my sheets in the machine in time for me to actually be able to use them tonight. Luckily, my sister is awesome and she put them in the machine and had them dry by the time I got home from French class. So yay! Hopefully, tonight won't be a repeat of last night, although there is less stuff on the floor to get wet tonight.


  1. You're right, your sister is awesome. :)

  2. So wanda, a "pile" of water under your bed??? please define! wouldn't a puddle be more accurate?
