Saturday, February 21, 2009

Why is homemade stuff so much better?

I never really was much of a hummus eater until last year really. I had tried it but I didn't really care about it one way or the other. Then I tried the hummus, my sister Kathleen makes and I loved it. It is pretty much my favourite but I don't know if it's because it's the only stuff we ever really have or if it's actually that good. Today after dinner, my sister Colette and I still were a bit peckish so we had some of the hummus she had made last week with some of the bought pitas we had in the freezer (It was quite the sacrifice after eating the homemade ones last week). The hummus was what made the pitas worth eating. It was very good. If you are interested, the recipe is conveniently on Colette's blog.

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