Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ah ha, unidentified particulates. The two sweetest words I know

I am going to give you fair warning. This is going to be another TV related post and if you don't watch the show in question, this post may be completely irrelevant to you. But rather than it being about a specific show, it is going to be about a specific character. Namely, Jack Hodgins from BONES. This character has got to be one of my favourite characters on TV. Why? To answer that question, I will have to make another list. In no particular order:

  • He's rather cute.

  • He's snarky and sarcastic.

  • He gets oddly excited about things like insects and compost heaps

  • Even when he hates everyone, he's funny about it.

  • Even though he is extremely wealthy, he comes in everyday to work with insects, dirt, and unidentified particulates

  • Finding weirder and weirder things about Angela made him love her more and more

  • He is one of the more self-aware lab workers

  • He's not above using his boss to make his problems (or Dr. Sweets) go away
  • I mentioned that he is snarky right?

  • He unconsciously uses words like 'baby' and 'dude' when he gets excited.

There a lot more reasons why he amuses me, but the main one is his snarkyness. If anyone has other reasons, feel free to share.

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