Friday, December 5, 2008

TV Watching, Uninterrupted

When I first started this blog (all of a week ago now), I knew that many of my posts would be TV related, because frankly that is one of my favourite things. I watch certain TV shows every week and they are what I like to call appointment television. Last year I was out on my own and did not own a TV. I felt deprived. Luckily, there is a handy invention known as TV on DVD. An entire season of television on a set of DVDs for your viewing pleasure. No commercials. It is a good way to revisit an episode of your favourite TV show or discover a new one. I especially like it when libraries lend out series on DVD. Makes it a lot cheaper. It may not be the best use of your time, especially if you have things to do that do not include watching moving pictures but it's a good way to relax after a hard days work. And it gives you some entertainment when the writers go on strike. (Wait, that was last year. I meant the actors. Man I hope they don't strike.) I also tend to enjoy all the little extras that come with... the bloopers, the commentaries, the documentaries, the interviews. This enjoyment of TV on DVD may have something to do with a personality quirk of mine where I must know everything there is to know about what I am currently into, but I think it is generally a pretty cool thing.


  1. I don't believe I used the word obsessive. It applies, but I don't think I used the word.
